Saturday, July 16, 2011

ki nimero pyew?

This has been a great week with a wonderful team! We went back to Guerline's orphanage on Wednesday so the team could work on the bunk beds, and brought a lot more shoes for the men of the community. And intense turn out! There were so many people that showed up, which meant lots of feet to wash and shoes to give away. Erica and I beasted through the profiles and got the rest of them done! We had a couple wonderful girls from the orphanage that helped us grab kids and spell names! Kessy had higher priority interpreting to do so Erica and I were on our own. But the older girls helping could tell what I was trying to say and helped me perfect my Creole and making sure the kids answered me. It was so fun! I got the "What is your favorite color?" down pat, but "What is your shoe size?" took me forever to get. They eventually had to write it down for me. (the blog title is what they wrote down for me to say)They laughed every time I tried to ask, and then asked the child for me. It was really neat getting to meet each child and see their name. I don't have them all memorized, but I am working on knowing all their names! These kids have wriggled their way right into my heart.

Thursday we went to a tent city on the outskirts of Caanon,which is the largest tent city. It is a little community of permanent houses that were built by Wold Vision. We broke off into groups and went around praying with people. It was a different place than I had been (I have been to Caanon). We just went around on a prayer walk, and as we saw people we stopped to ask if we could pray for them. Several were on healing, and a few on staying with the Lord. It was definitely a neat experience.Afterwards we wanted to take the team down town to see the earthquake damage but their were "demonstrations" in the city because it was Aristade's birthday and therefore not safe.

Friday we went back to Guerline's so the team could finish the bunk beds. They were able to complete two this week! Praise Jesus! This makes a total of 6! Now 32 to go! Anybody want to bring a team and just do construction on bunk beds to get them knocked out please let us know! the kids are sleeping on mats in the floor at the moment. The beds look so good! The kids did some coloring and glitter paint while we were there and made pictures for us. The girls came and asked how to spell Erica and I's name so they could make us picture. It was so precious! I got some and plan to frame them! Also today one of the team members who is a dietitian was able to speak with Guerline about portion control and alternative foods for the children to help their nutrition. After Guerline's we went to The Apparent Project. This is a place where people can come work to get back on their feet. It is an artisans program and they make different items and sell them. Each person gets 100% of the items they make that are purchased through The Apparent Project. Some items are even mass ordered by designers like Donna Karen and others from New York City! I knew about TAP from when I was here in March, but was so excited to actually see the place, and meet some of the artisans

Today the team left. It has been such an incredible week with them. They have such incredible hearts. I will remember them dearly. They opened the doors to those kids at Guerline's. We cannnot get over how different these kids are from last week and this week. God sent them at the most perfect time. If they had come earlier then the nutritional information would not have been well recieved and the kids health would still be in trouble. There were so many Type A personalities there that they got things done! It was so cool just to watch them do their thing each day. They were definitely the most perfect first team for Erica and I. 

Keep them in your prayers:
Pastor Ron

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