Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Well we made it! After a cancelled flight and delayed departure we are finally here. I cannot believe it yet. It still feels like a dream, a very good dream! We made it into Port-au-Prince and hit the ground running. Though we both had been up for forever we went with Sara and Kinsly (one of the translators that works for Chadasha) and ran some errands. Kinsly has some mad skills. Not only was he driving a stick in Haitian traffic (which for those of you who don't know, Haiti has no traffic laws, yeah think about that), but with the power steering out!! Hilarious! Got back just in time for supper. And let me tell you, besides all the beautiful babies, Haitian food is on the top of the list of why I love Haiti! After finally getting a hold of my parents to tell them I made it (Verizon screwed up and now I can't use my phone), Erica showered and went to bed early. So glad to be here!

Today was kind of a chill day. Sara wanted us to be able to rest up well before we got going strong the rest of the summer. So we spend the morning getting settled in and waiting. We had to wait to get a vehicle to do some visiting. While we were hanging out I got to spend the morning with the most precious baby! I met her when I was here in March. Her name is Melissa and she is a little Haitian baby with down syndrome. She was so tiny when we were here last and now she is so much healthier and stronger! She has been staying with two of the translators while she is being adopted. She is so beautiful and the funniest baby. She will just make faces at you all day. My heart just melted when I got to have her. 

The afternoon consisted of the orphanage and the children's home. Erica and I got to play with the kids while Sara and Kessy (another translator) took care of some business. A little back ground on what these places are.
    *Children's Home: The Children's Home was founded and run by the missionary couple Greg and Michelle Roberts. This a place where the heart is kids that are being adopted have a place to stay out of an orphanage while their parents are working out the dirty details. When I came in March with Calvary, on the last day our team was able to come and clean up the place, put sheets on the bed, sort clothes, etc. Getting it all ready for the children who were coming in the next couple weeks. It has a boys room, girls room, and a baby room. With a bed for an adult in each room. Along with play room, kitchen, dining room, porch, balcony etc. It is beautiful! It was so cool to walk in there and see all these children actually there and their artwork on the wall, and see the outcome of what we did. I was speechless. It warmed my heart so much to see all these children. And they just smiled and played with you. so much joy and happiness in their little faces! For those of you there with me Junior (who is now Mathieu) lives there now as he waits to go home to Tennessee! He is doing so well now! He has gotten so big, and he loved giving kisses to the babies! He also loves his new name Mathieu and will correct you if you say Junior. Kimberly (who is now Caris) is also living there, but was not at the home when we were. She will be adopted soon and moving to the states in a couple months. 

     *Guerlin's Orphanage: This is the orphanage that was washed away by the floods, and then Chadasha came up alongside to help reestablish it. There are 56 kids with 20 more coming. They now have a great big house and play area. They were a little unsure of Erica and I but when some of the little ones ventured on then they all came! We love loving on some Haitian children!! They were all very sweet!! This is where Erica and I will perform a lot of intern duties. Such as making a file on each child, picture and all personal information, implementing programs like education and nutrition and hygiene. As of now they just do whatever, and eat more than my brother and his football player friends can for a meal only twice a day because their little bodies are still in starvation mode and they shovel food down and it not helping their health. But we are excited!

This has been a great first day! I am so excited to see what God has in store for this next week!

-Wilna, who is a good friend of Michelle's, translator, Olympic runner, and keeper of some babies, two of her cousin's were shot today in a random shooting. There were criminals running through a crowd an police were chasing them and everyone was shooting. Please keep them and her in your prayers. 
-Wisdom for our team. There are some issues going on at the orphanage and they need to be dealt with in a efficient but timely manner for the sake of the children but we aren't sure how it is going to go down.
-One of the house mothers at the Children's home is very sick.

1 comment:

  1. wow this is great!! sorry about the phone, but this trip sounds like such a dream-come-true for you so don't let the little things bug you =D somebody's got your back and lots of somebodies are wishing you a fun trip here at home. lottsa love

