Tuesday, July 12, 2011

i am weak but HE is strong

This phrase as never hit me like it has the past couple days. But let's back track because I haven't updated in awhile. Saturday the team came in! Yay! Erica and I's first team! It is a group of 11 from Charlotte, NC. They are with Samaritan's Feet, which is an organization that gives out new pairs of tennis shoes! They do it through telling the gospel and it is beautiful to watch! When they got here we just kind of hung out with them, and chilled. Sunday morning we all got up and got ready for church. Church was beautiful as always. One of the biggest differences in Haitian and American Christianity is the term "lukewarm". Now I know in Revelations it talks about how we are not to be lukewarm because that is just as bad as not being at all. But I feel as if most American Christians are just that "lukewarm" they are comfortable in their place within the religion. Church has become more of a social gathering than a place of surrendered worship and teaching. But in Haiti it is only hot and cold. They don't really have a concept for what lukewarm Christianity is. And it is beautiful. To sit there in that service and see people worshiping with every ounce of their being makes my heart so happy! Then I remember that very few times do I see an entire service loving on God. I can't tell you how many times I have been asked by christian Haitians if I am saved, even knowing the group I am with. At church on Sunday the visitors had to stand up (not our teams though they have a special welcoming), and then are asked if they know Jesus!! That would never happen in America. We (including myself) are too worried about rejection and offending someone that we think of round about ways of asking the question. And yes it is a culture thing, but does it have to be? Seeing the way Haitians few Christianity is so refreshing and convicting at the same time. There are only on fire believers and non believers (mainly voodoo). They know what the Bible says, tell everyone, so they do. It is a great reminder of what the great commission says to do. "Go make disciples of all nations..."

After church we headed back to the house to change and then head out to lunch. Well on the ride back I started feelin funny. And the vehicles we use never make me sick, so I just thought it was the heat and moved on. Boy was I wrong. I managed to change and walk to the Guesthouse (which is where the teams stay when they come and we eat and meet and things), but was feeling pretty rough so told Sara I was going to lie down and get cooled off. So everyone leaves and I go to the house. I put both our fans on me, and tried to rest. Ha! I started getting the sweats and throwing up and the most intense pain I have ever felt! (Let me just remind everyone that I never get sick! Strep throat in the 1st grade was the last time) No one is home so I just have to deal with it, finally they get back and come check on me. Getting worse. They turn the AC on and move me right in front of it with both fans to see if I can get cooled off. Sara prayed a prayer of healing over me which was really a blessing. They tried to give me sprite but I eventually throw that up too. They leave again. I am literally yelling for God to make it stop. I am so weak from no food and water that I can barley make it two feet to the bathroom door to throw up. As I lie there in the most intense pain, almost yelling, I start thinking of this line, I am weak, but He is strong. Though I am at my weakest point, with nothing and no one else, He is still strong and the protector of my life. Satan is attacking and trying to distract me (and everyone else who was freaking out like me over what was happening), but the Lord is strong and wins over all things. And he wasn't going to win over me. I began to pray and next thing I know I am being woke up so they can check my temp. I had fallen asleep! Yay Jesus! I was able to rest out the rest of the bad part. When I woke up I wasn't able to move a lot, but at least I wasn't in extreme pain. 

This morning I woke up, and felt so much better! I was extremely weak, but after lots of water and a little food at a time I am about half way there. I still get sick feeling, and pretty weak, but I can do things. I was able to go with the team to an orphanage today. Our staff needed to have a meeting at Guerlin's so Erica and I went with the team to help out. It was at a place that I had never been before but it was a lot of fun! I was able to watch the team hand the shoes out, and do the foot washing! It was one of the coolest things I have seen! One of the team members brought nail polish and the girls went crazy! I thought that was such a great idea! So she had a little salon set up doing finger/toenails! They boys played basketball and talked with the men (they knew some English and one of the team member is Haitian and speaks creole!). They brought out jump ropes, colors, necklaces, and jacks! The older boys played basketball with the men until the guys couldn't breathe anymore! It was a joyful day! I could not do a whole lot, and had to stay seated and in the shade. But I made necklaces with the girls, and they fixed me hair. I managed to walk around and take some pictures until the sun got to me. The children spoke more English then we expected, and were very active in interacting with evryone. It was mainly older one, 12+, and a handful of elementary.

It was hard not being able to do much with the kids, but I knew if I over did it then I would miss out on some wonderful days in Haiti. I have never felt this weak for this long, and really known the sense of the word. Having to take things slow, and really pay attention to my body was new too. I was constantly thinking of this song. And how we are able to solely lean on Him because He is the ultimate of strength, and nothing that weakens us will ever wary His step. He has His arms out ready to catch us when we can't make the steps anymore.

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