Sunday, July 24, 2011

it's ok we are the interns

So I realized last night that I have not blogged in a week! Ay yi yi! And then we had no interenet last night. So here I am sitting on the balcony looking at the most beautiful view in the world ready to tell you about the past week in Haiti!

Monday we spent lots of time at the airport to get 3 beautiful interns MelanieStephanie, and Brittany! Flights were delayed, communication missed, and several hours in the sun later we were all together. That makes a total of 5 interns! Yay! I am so excited that they are here! They are wonderful! The rest of this week has been a bunch of randomness. Good work that needed to be done, but always something different each day. Tuesday we spent the majority of it running errands all over Port-au-Prince. We went to the bank, the grocery store, lunch, and all of this 9 people in a Montero! It was interesting. We spent that afternoon at Guerline's and the Children's Home so the new girls could see what we would be doing for the next few weeks. Wednesday we spent the day at the house, but by no means were we hanging out. We got all the suitcases full of donations, sorted and counted them. Clothes, school supplies, arts and crafts, medicine, toiletries, etc. Then we refines and detailed our information from the profiles that Erica and I have been working on. After that we began on "the plan". The plan is the schedule that I have mentioned that we were to plan for Guerline's orphanage. As of right now they eat, play and have worship at 12. And that is it, So we all got together and proceeded to brainstorm what were possible options for the day in the life of a child at the orphanage. It took some time, but we finally figures out a good rough draft. Part of the day is art time, so then we made a weekly art schedule so they would be using different techniques that would also help them. After we showed it to Sara, she suggested that we make a schedule of different bible stories and activities that could be implemented during Bible Time. This was probably the most hilarious and most fun part of the week. We decided that we would start from Creation and go down the line until the end. We got the "Story Cloth" which is a cloth of pictures telling the story of Christ from the Creation to the ascension. We laughed the whole time as we tried to use our expert Sunday School skill to determine what story was in each picture without cheating and using the Bible. Then we went through the Bible for all the other stories that aren't directly related to the birth of Jesus (Jonah, Daniel and the Lions den, etc. ) We came up with crafts and activities/games for each of them. It was so fun. Like planning a really long Sunday school plan for kids. Thursday we went and got water for the orphanage, We had 12 five gallon bottles and assembly lined it from the door to the truck. Then we went to the airport to get Michelle and Ashton!! Greg and Michelle are the missionary couple that are here in Haiti and the owners of the house we are staying in. They have two kids Dustin and Ashton. Michelle and Ashton came Thursday and the other two are coming next week. We are sooooo excited to have them back! Because they are back, we had to do a little room swapping. Before, Erica, Melanie and I were in Dustin's room and Stephanie and Brittany were in Ashton's. Now ALL 5 of us are in the downstairs spare bedroom! Not even kidding. Five girls in one room! It is a neat room, and two girls share a big mattress and the other three have cots along the wall. It is like a big slumber party every night! Friday we spent the day at Guerline's orphanage hanging out with the kids, coloring, reading stories, and playing. It is always a blessing to be with them. Saturday is our day of rest so we spent time together and relaxed for the coming week. Today we all went to church and then the girls and Zeke took a tap tap back to the house! We love out tap taps! 

Now we are getting ready to head to Jimani. Jimani is located on the border of Haiti and the DR. Here is where Chadasha first started many years ago. They have a hospital and orphange located there where teams can come in and serve. There are what is called "bateys" which are the poorest of the poor of Haitians. They literally have nothing. Of the five only one has been there before so we are all excited for this new place. We will be there until Wednesday coming alongside the team already there. Please pray for safe travels and that we are touched by this new place. I am sure I will have lots to tell when we get back!

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